"In this chase towards catastrophe, it's good that serves as the locomotive"
"A fundamentalist society on the verge of disintegration"
"The more the system becomes globally concentrated, ultimately constituting a single network, the more vulnerable it becomes at a single point. Global catastrophic process. It is the system itself that has created the objective conditions for this brutal retaliation".
"Everything that might appear to be a conquest of modern times can be reversed and appear as a new form of servitude. Today, transparency can become an element of terror. Such is liberalism, the ultimate avatar of freedom and liberation that characterizes our terminally ill societies, where we are doomed to intensive care".
"The system is the representation of the real at the same time as its liquidation in the virtual".
"Globalization is not an expansion, a universalization, it's a totalization, a reduction. We need to go beyond the personification of the adversary. Globalization gives rise to a revolt of singularities. A system that globalizes, totalizes, excludes all differences, all singularities. Globalization is a world of integral reality where there is no longer any critical space."
"The extermination of the world by its verification"
"Between virtuality and virality, there is a profound complicity"
"The idea of freedom, new and recent, is already being erased from mores and consciences. Liberal globalization is taking on the exact opposite form: that of police globalization, of total control, of security terror. Deregulation ends up in a maximum of constraints and restrictions equivalent to that of a fundamentalist society".

Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007)
"There is no more elsewhere"

"We are in an accidental time, that is to say, an instant which is neither past nor future, and which is fundamentally uninhabitable".
"It is a fatal consequence of progress that we are locked into the world".
"If all progress has its downside... then planetary networking sets the stage for total accident".
"Accident can become a weapon, and an absolute one at that".
"A logic of interdependence is also a logic of collective vulnerability"
"The globalization of the economy threatens a global accident".
"With the fall of the Wall, we moved from the totalitarianism of one region of the world to the globalitarianism of globalization. And it's true that the feeling of confinement, of claustrophobia, I confess that I now have it on a global scale".
"What I fear is that behind this invention of a virtual colony, we have a feeling of global claustrophobia."
"We're locked into totality. We're living in the time of finitude, at the same time as the world of plenitude. The plenitude of progress has enclosed the world around us."

Paul Virilio (1932-2018)
"We're on the edge of another world"